![WCPA Logo WCPA Logo](http://worldparliament-gov.org/downloads/208/download/WCPA%20Logo.jpg?cb=4660caf953bfe34fcf21fe08fcd90ab8&w={width}&h={height})
The World Constitution and Parliament Association
The World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA) is a worldwide association of citizens, chapters, and affiliated organizations working with dedication and love toward a global democracy that embraces all nations and peoples under the Constitution for the Federation of Earth.
The WCPA was founded in 1958 by Philip & Margaret Isely and other visionaries who understood that our world cannot long endure unless it was united under a single, democratic constitution for the Earth. During those initial years, the organization worked tirelessly to organize world citizens from around the globe to write the Constitution for the Federation of Earth. This process moved through four international Constituent Assemblies that took place in 1968, 1977, 1979, and 1991.
Since 1991, WCPA has worked for the ratification of the Earth Constitution by the people and nations of Earth. We have also held many sessions of the Provisional World Parliament (since 1982) in an effort to rapidly bring the rule of non-military, democratically legislated law to our endangered planet. This process of developing world law and linking with other world federalist organizations has included many tens of thousands of ordinary, concerned people from all over the world. WCPA chapters are active in many countries, attempting to educate their fellow citizens and their governments in the need to join with others around the world to create a decent future for all humanity.
Our global efforts have long been named the Earth Federation Movement (EFM). The EFM is a broad association of citizens from many countries, chapters of WCPA, non-governmental organizations, the Institute on World Problems, and governmental entities at all levels who advocate a democratic federation of nations and peoples under the Earth Constitution. The Institute on World Problems is a think tank and educational organization that was created in the U.S. in 2003. It is a non-profit, tax deductible organization that helps to fund our educational and transformative activities worldwide.
We welcome concerned citizens from all nations, religions, races, and cultures to join together with us in our dedication to create a decent future for all our children and all the Earth’s precious living creatures. We encourage people to join the WCPA, sign the pledge to the Earth Constitution, and immediately become recognized as legal world citizens under the Constitution. We encourage people to found WCPA chapters, to affiliate existing organizations with us (as part of the Earth Federation Movement), and to work locally and globally to protect our planet, our environment, our freedoms, and our future.
We are the primary worldwide organization that is putting it all together: we unite the struggle for human rights worldwide with the struggle to end imperialism and exploitation. We unite the struggle to protect the environment and the world’s precious natural resources with the struggle for peace and justice for all peoples on our planet. None of these struggles can prevail alone. None can prevail without changing the unjust and inequitable world system itself. As the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares “Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.” This dream of a decent, just, and sustainable world system can only be achieved through ratification of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth.
World Constitutional and Parliament Association
313 Seventh Ave
Radford, VA 24141, USA
email: gmartin@radford.edu
(Link) Membership Application Form (Link)