World Legislative Act # 22, The Equity Act
11. Promotion. Agencies of the provisional world government, World Economic Development Organization (WEDO), Earth Financial Credit Corporation (EFCC) and Earth Federation Funding Corporation (EFFC) shall communicate with persons and groups that are seeking global standards and a world currency, for the purpose of building a network for launching the new currency system.
Since there already exists local alternative currencies in communities worldwide it should be determined whether or not these communities accepting Earth Federation HOURS at a calculated hourly minimum wage exchange rate, would create the foundation for building a network for a new currency system.
World Legislative Act #11, Earth Financial Credit Corporation
Article 10 • Under the following specified circumstances, the provisional World Government may initiate the Earth Financial Credit Corporation without the participation of national governments at the outset:
10.1. In the event that within 12 months from the adoption of this World Legislative Act #11, ten national governments have not accepted the plan for the EFCC, inclusive of preliminary ratification of the Earth Constitution, specified as a prerequisite to receiving lines of credit, then the Board of Directors of the Earth Financial Credit Corporation, serving through election by agencies other than national governments, may devise ways and means to begin operation of the EFCC without waiting for the official participation of national governments.
10.2. If the Board of Directors of the Earth Financial Credit Corporation, after prudent and careful consideration and preparation, determine that it is feasible to make the EFCC operative before the elapse of 12 months from the date of adoption of World Legislative Bill #11, then the Board of Directors of EFCC may take the necessary steps to do so.
Article 11 • The Board of Directors of EFCC shall explore the feasibility for introducing and developing Earth credits or Earth currency as global legal tender, Earth unit lines of credit, and Earth credit accounting procedures, etc. from a global financial base in an offshore World Territory or in a zone of an existing country where the country grants legal extra-territorial status for this purpose. The Board of Directors of EFCC is empowered to implement this procedure as found feasible.