The World Administration
Earth Constitution - Article 7
Sec. A - Functions of the World Administration
- The World Administration shall be organized to carry out the detailed and continuous administration and implementation of world legislation and world law.
- The World Administration shall be under the direction of the World Executive, and shall at all times be responsible to the World Executive.
- The World Administration shall be organized so as to give professional continuity to the work of administration and implementation.
Sec. B - Structure and Procedures of the World Administration
- The World Administration shall be composed of professionally organized departments and other agencies in all areas of activity requiring continuity of administration and implementation by the World Government.
Each Department or major agency of the World Administration shall be headed by a Minister who shall be either a member of the Executive Cabinet or a Vice President of the Presidium.
Each Department or major agency of the World Administration shall have as chief of staff a Senior Administrator, who shall assist the Minister and supervise the detailed work of the Department or agency.
- Each Senior Administrator shall be nominated by the Minister of the particular Department or agency from among persons in the senior lists of the World Civil Service Administration, as soon as senior lists have been established by the World Civil Service Administration, and shall be confirmed by the Presidium. Temporary qualified appointments shall be made by the Ministers, with confirmation by the Presidium, pending establishment of the senior lists.
- There shall be a Secretary General of the World Administration, who shall be nominated by the Presidium and confirmed by absolute majority vote of the entire Executive Cabinet.
- The functions and responsibilities of the Secretary General of the World Administration shall be to assist in coordinating the work of the Senior Administrators of the several Departments and agencies of the World Administration. The Secretary General shall at all times be subject to the direction of the Presidium, and shall be directly responsible to the Presidium.
- The employment of any Senior Administrator and of the Secretary General may be terminated for cause by absolute majority vote of both the Executive Cabinet and Presidium combined, but not contrary to civil service rules which protect tenure on grounds of competence.
- Each Minister of a Department or agency of the World Administration, being also a Member of the World Parliament, shall provide continuous liaison between the particular Department or agency and the World Parliament, shall respond at any time to any questions or requests for information from the Parliament, including committees of any House of the World Parliament.
- The Presidium, in cooperation with the particular Ministers in each case, shall be responsible for the original organization of each of the Departments and major agencies of the World Administration.
- The assignment of legislative measures, constitutional provisions and areas of world law to particular Departments and agencies for administration and implementation shall be done by the Presidium in consultation with the Executive Cabinet and Secretary General, unless specifically provided in legislation passed by the World Parliament.
- The Presidium, in consultation with the Executive Cabinet, may propose the creation of other departments and agencies to have ministerial status; and may propose the alteration, combination or termination of existing Departments and agencies of ministerial status as may seem necessary or desirable. Any such creation, alteration, combination or termination shall require a simple majority vote of approval of the three houses of the World Parliament in joint session.
- The World Parliament by absolute majority vote of the three houses in joint session may specify the creation of new departments or agencies of ministerial status in the World Administration, or may direct the World Executive to alter, combine, or terminate existing departments or agencies of ministerial status.
- The Presidium and the World Executive may not create, establish or maintain any administrative or executive department or agency for the purpose of circumventing control by the World Parliament.
Sec. C - Departments of the World Administration
Among the departments and agencies of the World Administration of ministerial status, but not limited thereto and subject to combinations and to changes in descriptive terminology, shall be those listed under this Section. Each major area of administration shall be headed by a Cabinet Minister and a Senior Administrator, or by a Vice President and a Senior Administrator.
- Disarmament and War Prevention.
- Population.
- Food and Agriculture.
- Water Supplies and Waterways.
- Health and Nutrition.
- Education.
- Cultural Diversity and the Arts.
- Habitat and Settlements.
- Environment and Ecology.
- World Resources.
- Oceans and Seabeds.
- Atmosphere and Space.
- Energy.
- Science and Technology.
- Genetic Research and Engineering.
- Labor and Income.
- Economic and Social Development.
- Commerce and Industry.
- Transportation and Travel.
- Multi-National Corporations.
- Communications and Information.
- Human Rights.
- Distributive Justice.
- World Service Corps.
- World Territories, Capitals and Parks.
- Exterior Relations.
- Democratic Procedures.
- Revenue.